- 底なしの不況{ふきょう}に陥る[落ち込みを見せている]
Sales of cassettes and CDs have touched an abysmal low in recent years. カセットと CD の売上高は、ここ近年の内に底なしの落ち込みを見せている
touch an abysmal low 意味
- "touch a sore spot" 意味
- "touch a string in someone's heart" 意味
- "touch a tender spot" 意味
- "touch a very sore point" 意味
- "touch a wrong card" 意味
- "touch an audience deeply" 意味
- "touch an index finger to one's lips" 意味
- "touch and go" 意味
- "touch and go landing" 意味
- "touch a very sore point" 意味
- "touch a wrong card" 意味
- "touch an audience deeply" 意味
- "touch an index finger to one's lips" 意味